Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well, Hidie-Ho campers!
It's snowing again!
Oh Joy, Oh Delight!

Not much of a snow really, but it will be very cold and extremely windy for the next two days.
They are predicting another week of well below normal temps.
Maybe then, spring will poke her shy little head around the corner and "Say Hey!"

Monday, February 22, 2010


The Yin and the Yang,
Summer and Winter,
Male and Female,
Democrat vs Republican,
Dogs and Cats,
etc etc.
We had a glorious weekend, temps in the sixties dry and sunny.
Back to seasonal reality today, rainy and cold.

Our yard and the Queen's garden can either be regarded as forlorn and desolate,
or sleepy and hopeful.
The beautiful spray of flowers and the elegant vase are the young officer and gentleman's gift to his mother for Valentines Day.

Quite a contrast with the brown, gray day outside my downstairs window, in front of my favorite bird feeder.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Christmas images 2009

Almost as soon as it gets here, each Christmas becomes a "Ghost of Christmas Past"
Here are a few random remembrances of our most recent Yuletide.
note: Santa did not bring the pretty red BMW.
The young LT bought it for himself.
'Tis a fitting and proper ride for a young, single newly commissioned officer and gentleman!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


That's how we pronounced it when we were young, anyway.
The pictures have been stacking up of late.
These are of home town (Miami) teams on the road.
One loss (figures, the 'Canes) one win, Dolphins over Panthers in Charlotte.
More correctly, big #34 Ricky Williams over the Panthers.
He scored three touchdowns himself. Great times as a family!
Images by Queen Felicia her own self.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Hearts and kisses, chocolate and roses, hope yours was wonderful!
And guys, hope you remembered!
If not, then you and the dog have a nice day!
He will be your only companion.