Monday, October 25, 2010

Too much happening in October.

Starting with my Birthday (I'm not 'old' yet, but I can see it from here. Scary!)
and moving on to our time with Kendra and my sister, it's been a busy month.
I'll post some pix soon from Oak Island.
Two memories will stick forever, both involving the two crazy Wheeler sisters.
Tuesday night as I stood on the balcony observing my sister, and the two above mentioned nutty sisters allegedly enjoying the sunset over the ocean
(a footnote here, Oak Island is uniquely situated so that you can see the effects of the sunrise on the water, and also the sunset in the evening. Very unusual!)
I witnessed the Wheeler twins suddenly walk out into the surf.
Fully clothed.
And those of you who know them are correct, they kept right on going into the deep water.
I could hear their shrieking laughter even from a distance over the roar of the surf.
The next evening they went in wearing bathing suits.
Again I heard piercing screams and raucous laughter.
I found out the cause later.
The little tassles that hung from my beloved's bathing suit must have looked yummy to a rather large fish, apparently a Blue Fish.
It kept pulling and tugging on her suit.
When she noticed it she screamed, and then said fish swam right between Kendra's legs, invoking ear shattering screams from her as well.
A rapid discussion ensued "Should we get out of the water, or should we risk it and stay?"
Wheelers of course tread where Angels do not dare, and they stayed.
My sister calmly informed them "It was probably a bait fish. You know, the kind that attract Sharks and other predator fish. Dusk is their feeding time."
"Whaaaaaaaaaaa!" was their mutual reaction.

A great time was had by all.