May is a great month for Queen Felicia.
But a tough month for yours Truly!
Her birthday falls at the heels of Mother's Day.
So May is just one long celebration, complete with presents.
Lots of them!
Her big B-Day surprise (besides folks asking me if she was 15 when we married, she still looks so much younger than this old Hillbilly!) was a Nintendo Wii from Ariel, and the new Wii Fit program from me.
Just released here in the States on her birthday, it proved to be quite the impressive piece of technology.
Some of you may know that I HATE video games in general.
They are far too complicated to play for the casual user, and I think them to be a time waster and an IQ drain in general.
This one is unique in that it has a hand held 'wand' with only two control buttons that reacts to the motion of your hands and arm.
You actually 'throw' the bowling ball and swing the golf club, etc.
That makes for a real workout, and is very addictive and fun as well.
But the new fitness platform is inducing adults (avowed adults anyway) like me to buy one.
Millions have already sold in Japan, and I had to reserve this one months ago for the Queen.
One stands on a balance board platform to utilize the program.
It not only weighs you each time and assigns your BMI, it keeps track of your progress, or lack of same as the months go by.
Very sensitive, it challenges you to do Yoga, strength training, and various games that improves your balance and tone.
You design your own Avatar (Doppleganger if you will, they are called Miis) which can be closely approximated to resemble you.
Then the animated trainer guides and chides you through your personal program.
And chide they do, in a very sophisticated and realistic way.
"You've missed a few sessions Felicia! And you seem to have gained back a couple of pounds since the last time too! Tsk Tsk!"
I enjoy listening to her fuss back at the 'trainer', although I must admit I haven't started the program yet.
The workouts and games are fun, and the Yoga portion will actually teach you real postions, and increases your ability to do the rest of the regimen.
She said her favorite gift was having her guys around all day to spoil her.
She also enjoyed hearing from the family on her birthday!
The beautiful picture of the Butterfly was taken by Felicia, with her pocket digital.
She now has a new hobby, and is even more enthused by digital photography than your old blog master, who has been a photo bug for almost forty years now.
Memorial Weekend was spent at home as it should be just chilling.
I took Friday off in addition to my Monday Holiday.
We saw the new Indiana Jones movie, which we both enjoyed a lot.
It is after all a movie, meant to be silly and escapist so ignore the reviews and have fun!
Last point, never forget what Memorial Day is really about.
Many have served and paid the ultimate price and continue to do so that we may grill, hang out with our families and enjoy our own "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"
God Bless them, and their families.
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