Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Booga, Booga!

And a Happy New Year to all!

How in the world can it be 2009?

Where did it come from, and what the heck happened to 1973?
That was the year my home town Dolphins won their first Super Bowl.
We all piled in my '68 Mustang convertible afterwards and drove all over Dade County celebrating.
With the top down, of course even though it was mid-January and the temps were in the thirties.
I'll never forget my best buddie Duane, all 6' 5" of him leaning over at a traffic light to "High Five" some fellow celebrants.
Forgetting that it was frigid. And that he was in a moving, albeit slowly car.
I still remember his scream, and the rest of us screaming wiht laughter and reminding him how brilliant he was.
He and his wife will celebrate their 34th anniversary in March.

Where oh where do the years go?

As the old saw goes, "If I'd known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!"

Perhaps less tackle football without pads, more sleep, and less time wasted on TV and other worthless pursuits.

And I would most certainly have invested in MicroSoft in, say 1980 or so.

Hind sight is 20/20, even though my eyes no longer are.

If we are honest with ourselves, we probably would not have changed much.
We are who we are, and even the brightest among us are young and stupid once.

Hopefully when I grow up I'll be a genius.

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