Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year and New Decade to You!

I hope you got everything you needed from Old Saint Nick!
Note that I said needed, not wanted!
There are around 17 million of us who either asked for a job, or for our start up business to prosper in 2010.

If you have your family around you, and you are all reasonably healthy and provided for then you are indeed blessed!

Most of us in North America are suffering through the coldest winter in decades.
Here in the Old North State they are calling it the longest extended severe cold in a generation.
No editorial comment as to Global Warming is needed here, just put another log on the fire!

Our son the LT went back to 14 degree cold yesterday, and discovered that his roomie had cut the heat off before he left for the Holidays. (maybe for good, but that is a story for another time)
Of course, all of the pipes were frozen, including the toilet.
And his relatively new giant screen LCD TV would not work.
He called me and asked what to do.
The crystals are no doubt frozen, just let the set warm and it should be OK.
Also, do not try to rapidly warm the pipes, and find out where the water cut off valve is.
All part of being out on your own.
Several hours later he texted "Everything is OK"
No apparent leaks, the TV works and other than being single digit wind chill life is good.

He somehow made it down off the mountain and in to campus to work the freshman orientation, just in case there were students interested in ROTC.
His apartment is literally on top of a mountain, great view but a perilous drive in winter, with a steep winding driveway to boot. Makes for a thrilling ride in his new (2005) red BMW!

I am trying to do some planning and targeting for the year, and we are getting ready to go to Orlando on the 16th for the annual trade show/conference that we attend every January.
Hopefully I can pick up a line or two with some good base business.
We need to get our income stream coming sooner rather than later.

Stay in touch, we enjoyed hearing from everyone, especially the Artwork from the kids!

Christmas pictures forthcoming.


Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Happy New Year to you too, Uncle and Aunty! Wow! A red BMW? Has he taken you for a spin?

Yes, we are very cold here, too. Cold but warmed by the love of good people. Speaking of which. . .the kids love their Christmas gifts!!! I must admit to you I am still hiding their lollipops for an appropriate time (i.e., when the weather is good enough to send them outside with them!) Your thoughts and gifts were much appreciated by the assembled children! What a good great aunt and uncle you are! Expect more artwork in the mail--the little ones have been busy! Much love from us and the kiddos.

AppDaddy said...

I got to drive it home from the dealer.
It spoiled me, I want one!
I'd forgotten what it's like to drive a car with real power, one that makes driving a pleasure.
You want to head up to the parkway, and push it to the limits (mine, not the cars) on a twisting, turning isolated road. Your Auntie loves it because it makes a "wonderful growling noise" when you gun the engine. Also she looks really cool behind the wheel.
Love to all, see you someday I hope before the kids are in Middle School.