Our son the LT was able to come home for Easter weekend.
It was great to see him, and maybe the last Easter he will be able to come home for some years.
He continues to work out diligently, and carefully watches his diet.
Not the same kid who lived on pizza, microwaved junk, and soda and Gatorade!
He's basically able to bench press the house now.
The Queen and I looked like the Bobsy Twins, both of us dressed in the same shade of green.
She always looks infinitely better than myself.
You can tell we've been married a long time when she asks for dirt and mulch for her garden for Mother's Day and her birthday this year.
Not inexpensive by any means, but a gift that will produce much edible delight, and not this year only.
American Gothic revisited, with her hoeing, digging, and raking out our hard soil.
It's starting to shape up!
Hopefully I will too, when it comes time for my part in loading and hauling barrows full of stuff to the garden sites.
I recently had to replace the side door on the garage.
It had started to rot, and I found those devilish little termites under the sill.
Thankfully, they were confined to that area, the foundation of our house up to two feet is brick.
Even more thankfully, I was able to replace the door, frame and sill.
We decided to paint it Red, daring in our old age!
Then of course, I had to repaint the front door and shutters red to match.
Some of our neigbors in the HOA behind us might freak, but they'll get over it!
Now if there are any of you with a real tall ladder, and no fear of heights, I have these shutters on the second floor.......
A virtual Rural Paradise, with a red door!
Good to make contact with you in the blogosphere. As you can see, I'm blogging as well.
Yet another way to keep in touch on the interweb! Ha.
Love this red door, unca and aunty. And did I understand correctly? Will you be putting a veggie garden there?
I LOVE getting dirt and mulch for special occasions, too.
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