Monday, November 15, 2010

Enough is Enough!

Quietly, during the month of October over sixty of the new full body scanners were placed in operation at airports all over the United States.
Surprised air travelers who were pulled out of the security lines at random were given a choice.

Submit to a scanning device that virtually strips you naked and subjects you to a dose of radiation, or allow a total stranger to grope you in areas that only your spouse or doctor is normally allowed.
Needless to say, the reaction coming from law abiding citizens that have been subjected to a procedure normally used only to admit convicted felons to a Federal penitentiary has been one of outrage.
I do have a great deal of cynicism over hearsay incidents related in the media, both broadcast, print and internet.
But there are far too many reports coming back from all over this previously free nation of ours to discount them all.
Women being groped. Young children, even stroller babies being touched in areas their parents have told them to never let anyone touch them.
People being ejected from airports for protesting this outrageous violation of our Constitutional Rights.
"Well, it's to protect you from terrorists!" we are told.
In other words, bleat like the good sheep that you are and do as you're told.
It started when some fool walked on a airplane with a fuse stuck out of his shoe.
Now all of us have been standing in our stocking feet in line like lemmings since then.
Women, children, babies, the elderly, Catholic Sisters who have taken a vow of modesty and chastity. No one is being spared this public humiliation.
Even the pilots and flight crew have to undergo this ridiculous process.
People who fly for a living, for whom the increased exposure to radiation is a very real threat.

I don't recall any of the airliners hijacked on 9/11 being flown by women. Or children.
Or senior citizens. Or Nuns.
But we can't single people out for questioning. That's profiling!
They complain, and the politicians cave in.
But when We The People say we've had enough, we're told, and I quote Janet Nepolitano here in summary, "Scan or Hand!" Or don't fly.

Fine. We won't fly, if we have any other choice.
The airlines are already operating on a thin profit margin since 9/11.
They cannot survive by relying solely on business travelers who have no choice but to fly.

And as for Big Brother's claim that is is an inescapable necessity to safeguard our flights?

Total, complete and utter HOGWASH!

If any Nation is at risk for airborne terrorism, it is Israel.
Do they have any of these intrusive methods for making certain their El Al flights are safe?
None of them.
And they are the safest airline in the world with which to travel.

Get your act together, Secretary Nepolitano and the Federal Government in general.
Maybe if you were forced to fly coach, as you should anyway and were singled out every single time for your "Enhanced Pat-down" grope-fest you would change your tune.

The rest of us are starting to say NO! en masse.

Enough is enough!

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