Monday, April 20, 2009

There's Gold in them thar hills!

Some of you know that we have been on pins and needles waiting for Ariel's orders to post.
He was the last senior in the Battalion to find out which unit he would be assigned to, and where his home garrison would be.

Well, the wait is over.
He will be part of the famous First Infantry Division, "The Big Red One" based at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Which unit within the First I.D. is not yet known.
The Combat Battalion is deployed overseas right now.

Their distinctive shoulder patch with the large 1 on a shield, all in bright Red has seen combat in every major war since World War One.

His mother's first comment was "Fort Knox, tell him to get me some gold!"

His commissioning ceremony will be on August 7th.

He then has several months before starting his active duty training next April at Fort Benning.

We're looking for a good job he can start in June through next February to fill in the gaps and keep his bank account full.

We are of course very proud of him in every way.

He will graduate with honors on time before starting his career as an officer.

Hooah! Son!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Grandma Irene