Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Maybe you have a Spectre looking over your shoulder."

So said James Bond to the evil Emilio Largo in Thunderball.

Largo was the Eye-patched, sophisticated villain and number two for the criminal organization Spectre that Bond fought in all of the Sean Connery 007 flicks.

Now our own modern day Specter (Arlin, of course) has given me great amusement over the last week or so.

Always a Republican of convenience, he switched parties last week and 'joined' the Dems.
After promising as recently as April 16th that he was elected as a Republican, and would stay one.

In his rambling public pronouncement he first stated his reason for switching to be Republican Economic policy.
Then a few lines later, he admitted that he had little chance of winning the Republican primary next Spring.
It was a classic example of self serving politcal double speak.

Now this week he expressed surprise that he would be a Junior member in the Dem majority.
I guess he expected to take over Harry "Cryptkeeper" Reids job as Senate Majority Leader.

In an interview the other day he also stuck his foot in his mouth when he stated that he hoped Norm Coleman (R) would win out over Al "Stuart Smalley" Franken in the ongoing, stomach churning endless recount in Minn-E-Soda.

Forgetting that he is now a Dem.
"Oops, I guess for a moment I forgot what team I'm on!"

Just look in the mirror, Senator and you will remember.

For all of you voters in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, cradle of Liberty, a word of advice.

You can do better in the Democrat Primary next spring with virtually any other candidate.
Skippy the Wonderdog would be more loyal to you.

It would be nice to see this selfish old fossil shown the door, once and for all.

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