Bonnie. In a rare quite moment.
Rebel, in a unique moment where he isn't prone.
He's much bigger now.
Felicia and Ariel are in Ohio visiting with Grandpa and Irene.
I am stuck here in the family manse with three four legged furballs of various states of uselessness.
Rebel leads the pack, sleeping on the glider on the front porch.
He will occasionally open one eye and look at me, and will even more infrequently come up to have his ears scratched. Otherwise he considers his job to be guarding the porch. Asleep.
As I had two extremely long and busy days on Thurs-Friday, Bonnie was visiting with friends at the Canine Hilton. When I picked her up yesterday, she reeked of "Eau de' PePe".
So I was 'privileged' to give her a cut and grooming, and then a bath as soon as we got home.
As Felicia will tell you, her normally hyper personality goes into warp drive after her bath.
Just picture a cross between Taz and a deranged weasel on amphetamines.
I then decided to tackle cleaning my office, a task long overdue.
There was one big stack and a huge bag of old documents that needed gleaning and shredding.
I made it through the stack, but the bag is now in the crawl space.
Out of sight, out of mind as they say!
I had been meaning to remove the old rug which underlay a newer throw rug, as it was a real dirt and mold catcher.
In order to do so, I had to remove everything from the shelves and move all of the furniture.
Said rug is now bundled up and stored in a corner of the garage.
Then I said to myself (quite literally, I was going stir crazy by now!) Self, why don't we rearrange everything to a more Feng Shuei (sic) compliant environment?
By the time I finally finished, it was time to give Bonnie her late evening walk and put her in her cage.
Then it was Csonk's turn. As I had been insanely busy all day he missed his Daddy play time, and was he ever honked to be caged without it!
It was now almost 8 PM, and I still had to shower and go out and scrounge supper.
Footnote, I love to cook, but pretty much refuse to cook just for myself.
My Bill of Fare for the weekend, Steak at Lone Star on Thursday night, Tex-Mex at Pancho's on Friday, Breakfast at the new Waffle House on Sat (the nicest one I had ever eaten in, brand new and clean as a pin)
So what to do on Saturday night for a wild and crazy guy batching it?
In Clayton?
A chain Q and seafood place that opened a few months ago.
We had not tried it out yet, mainly because of a perception that it was just another Eastern Carolina Q joint. (Not my favorite in the genre'. The only thing worse is the mustard based monstrosity they serve in the other Carolina)
I was pleasantly surprised to find that they also served "Calabash" style coastal Carolina Sea food, either fried or broiled. One of my favorites.
Very tasty, and it won't kill you (fried) if you only eat it occasionally.
Today consisted of walking Bonnie, driving through a much needed (2.5") rain, and visiting our favorite chain pasta palace and B&N booksellers for a couple of new tomes and an overpriced but good coffee.
I do have a book monkey on my back, must feed my literary mojo.
Trying to towel off and brush Csonk when he is hyper and wants to play is quite an experience.
Kind of like wrestling a water buffalo.
He finally settled down and tried to watch me in the kitchen, but reminded me of a little kid at bed time who knows he is sleepy but doesn't want to miss any thing.
One eye closes, then the other then they both snap open for a spell.
Both of the brats are now in their cages, I've had something to eat, and will finish the Yankees-Red Sox game after I finish this last line or two.
Come on tomorrow night, when the Queen and the Soldier come home!
This place seems bigger and way too quiet without them!
I'll be thrilled to see them, and Rebel may even open the other eye.
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