Wazoo Farms Garden Art Show!
She likes to add 'Critters' to her various areas, both real and imaginary!
Hanging plants tend to last here until October, as long as you remember to water them daily.
That can sometimes make travel difficult.
Whimsical fairies and a naughty angel with one wing (Felicia, mayhaps?)
adorn the front flower bed. As does our cement Cardinal.
We have an entire colony of Cardinal's living in the wooded berm next to us.
It is really enjoyable to sit in the front room and identify the various generations
of birds feasting at our tray feeder in the Crepe Myrtle tree.
Many of her plants attract both Butterflys and Bees
The Andirondack chairs are a birthday present.
We will move them in the back to the Firepit this fall.
The Pepper Garden on the side of the garage.
We normally have enough to get us through the winter.
Our stone bunny rabbit. He eats less than the others.
As with all garden's, her's is a work in progress.
A lot of her ideas depend on her yard boy,
AppDaddy and the relative strength of his
We plan on adding one in the back, but that will be above ground.
No more digging!
This lizard was showing off. We have a variety of different reptile species, including snakes.
They do get your metabolism up when they appear unexepectantly.
Our favorite critter Csonk posing for the jacket of his first novel. Very intellectual!
The Pine fell during a bad storm, and still thrives.
The chickens and ducks lazing at the pond.
Thanks for visiting Felicia's garden!
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