Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Friday!

Friday's are always pretty gleeful, but this one is especially welcome.

As Winston Churchill is reputed to have said;
"Nothing is quite so satisfying as being shot at, and missed!"

As I made my rounds in Richmond Tuesday afternoon, my boss called me and asked
"Have you heard of any of the rumors floating around?"
I had not, as I left early to drive up.
"Well, we had another RIF yesterday."
As I explained earlier, RIF means more good people lost their jobs due to this miserable politician and financial idiot induced economy.

I was blessed to have been passed over by the Grim Reaper, once again.
This makes by my count at least a half dozen times in my 12 year tenure with the company.
My best buddy with the company in Atlanta was due to retire in June.
He basically was asked to fall on his sword for the other two of us in the region.
After speaking to him last night, he confirmed what my boss told me that the company treated him well.
His severance package basically allowed him to retire three months early at full pay.
"I got up Tuesday and had a hard time dealing with it, after 30 years in this business and 20 with the company. But this morn when I got up and realized I really didn't have to do a damn thing if I didn't want to, I knew that I can live with this!" he related.

Others weren't so lucky. My friend in NJ who started with the firm when I did was a casualty, as were some of our support and engineering people.

Good people, with families.
People who all started working in their early teens, as I did, and who never stopped.
Folks who pay the Lion's share of the taxes in this country.
Families who never ask for anything from anyone, they simply want to work and provide for their own needs.

And we are not at the bottom of this mud slide yet, I fear.
Most likely every mid-quarter when the trend for that period becomes apparent, the powers that be in all companies will have to decide what they need to do if things are still depressed.
Cut people and stay open for a bit longer, or close the doors for everyone?
Not an easy choice for any decent human being.

Maybe if our government leaders offered to cut their pay and benefits, or better yet truly
"Work for the Public Good" as was originally intended I would believe they have all of our best interests at heart.

As if that will ever happen.

Rock on, fellow Pilgrims and have a wunnerful weekend!

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