Monday, February 9, 2009

Spring teaser

After the coldest, wettest Winter since we have been in this house, we were treated to a spring-like weekend.
Yesterday the temp climbed to 75.
We spent the entire day outside, in bright warm cloudless sunlight.

It was glorious!

I am under no delusions (at least where the weather is concerned) that Winter is over.
We will no doubt have several more hard freezes, and it has snowed here as late as the last week of March since we have lived here.

But after over five decades on this mortal orb, you take the good gratefully.

Thank you for the great weekend!
Indeed, it is supposed to be mild at least through Friday.

Use this as an analogy for all of the troubling things that face us now.

The Republic has survived greedy self-centered politicians for 219 years now.
It will survive this crew as well.

"We the People" are the life blood of this country.

Not Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Arlen Spector.

We are the single mother who works two jobs to support her children, and saves so that they may have a better life than she.

The blue-collar "Redneck" (so called) that gets up before dawn every day, and works a job that he doesn't necessarily like, and might even hate.
But he puts his wife and his children's welfare before his own hopes and dreams.

The talented teacher who knows she could make more money in the private sector, but feels called to teach.

The Soldier and Marine and their fellow warriors who have the intelligence and focus that few of us have.
They also know they could make big bucks in the private sector.
But they also feel called to follow the self-sacrificing path they walk.
Men like our son, who will graduate with honors, but chose to serve as a commissioned officer rather than a corporate ladder climber as 95% of his fellow graduates will do this year.

This includes the cop on the beat, the firefighter and EMT that never know when they strap on their gear and leave for work if this will be the day that their life is literally on the line.

We are also millions strong who work jobs that chose us by life's circumstance.
Not ones that fulfill the dreams and goals of our youth, but ones that pay the bills and take care of our families earthly needs.
Deep satisfaction and soulful yearnings fulfilled?
Most of us never know what that is like as far as our vocations are concerned.

We do what we have to.
We work, pay our taxes and obey the law of the Lord and the laws of the land.

We are faceless, nameless and relatively unknown.

But it would behoove those to whom we have temporarily given power to remember one thing.

We are multiple millions strong, there are less than 600 of you.

We elected you to hold office, and we can remove you as well.

It's our money that you so carelessly throw around like Monopoly cash.

We don't want our great grandchildren paying for your stupidity.

Start listening to us now, or come next election day you will be on the outside looking in!

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