Monday, March 30, 2009

"Fired by the President"

We learned over the weekend that the CEO of General Motors (A.K.A. Government Motors)
was 'fired' by the President of the United States.
I was somewhat confused, in my naivete' I thought only the board of directors or the shareholders could fire anyone.

I stand corrected.

The old saying "When you take the King's shilling....." comes to mind here.

Having no sympathy for an executive who runs a corporation that has been so inept and poorly run that it should by all rights be undergoing chapter 11 bankruptcy, I am still chilled to the bone by this further incursion of our Constitutional Rights.

All of us should re-read the Declaration of Independence, and the Preamble to the Constitution of The United States, and the Bill of Rights.

Otherwise you may pick up the phone and hear "This is the White House calling. I see you have missed your sales quota two months running now. You're Fired!"

It would no doubt create yet another "reality" T.V. show, "Fired by the President"

How far will this intrusion go?

Only as far as We the People let it.

Chilling, isn't it?

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