Friday, March 13, 2009

Stop Yo'ing me and other random stuff.

Yo as in Yo Yo, as in our weather of late.

Two weekends ago, we had lows in the mid-teens, and snow.
Last weekend while we were in Wilmington, it was sunny and around 80 all weekend.
Yesterday in VA I arose to a 33 degree morning, and our highs here are not going to be above 40 today.
Rain and temps in the forties are predicted through Monday at least.
The corny old saying "If you don't like the weather, wait thirty minutes!" holds true.

Random thought one;

I am amazed at how many older adults (older than myself, one almost has to be in the Yoda range to exceed that) are into Facebook.
Yesterday I received an email from a cousin inviting me to 'join' and be his friend.
He has obviously had my email for years, and phone and address.
This is the only communication I've had in at least 8 years.
On the same email it mentioned that another person has invited me to be her friend.
This is a neighbor friend of my wife's, in her mid sixties at least.
All of the ladies were commenting about how addicted this woman is to Facebook, spending hours each week devoted to it.
I won't be joining, and if I ever do it should become apparent to all who know me that I have probably slipped into some sort of dementia.

Call me, Dang it!

Random thought for the day two;

I in general loathe so called self help books.
While wondering through a book store the other night in Old Virginnie I chanced upon a cover that grabbed my attention.
"People Are Idiots, and I Can Prove It!"
The picture of the author, Larry Wingett also grabbed my attention.
Picture a bald, gooteed middle aged guy with earrings and a loud Western Shirt.

The first page I flipped to, he explained that when someone in Oklahoma where he was raised messed up, the expression was "He peed in his Chili!"

I have to read this guy, I thought.

What old boomers like me call common sense, mixed with a lot of humor and self deprecation
should make this workbook a good practical read.
That's right, each point he makes has a self evaluating work sheet.

You're never too old to learn, right?

Unless, that is you are a politician.

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