Thursday, September 17, 2009

Missing Persons Report.

Has anyone seen Code Pink, Grannies Against War, Veterans Against War, etc etc.?
Since George W. Bush left office and the Democrats assumed total power they have been absent without leave.
Press Conferences and Congressional Speeches have not been interrupted, camp ins in front of the White House or the Presidents vacation home have vanished, and (Believe me I am not complaining about this!) Cindy Sheahan has all but disappeared from view.

Are they all on Holiday together, dancing around the camp fire singing Kumba Ya?
Have Aliens abducted them?
Or is it true that they are only against the military when a Republican sits in the Oval Office?

I make it a point to read the names of all of our young men who have lost their lives in Afghanistan.
I note their age, their home towns, their families.
Sadly there are lists almost daily now.
And it is not just our young men.
Their are combat aviators from Canada, the U.K. and our other true allies losing their sons all too frequently now.

The President has talked about increasing our troop levels by 35-40,000 men.
To what purpose?

Are we willing to ignore the Pakistani border and pursue the Taliban and Al Queda wherever they may flee? Just think of Laos, Cambodia and the Ho Chi Minh trail here, circa 1966-1973.
Are we willing to use any and all conventional weapons to destroy their mountain sanctuaries?
Are we willing to give them a deadline on their evil trade in Opium Poppies, and to utilize our incredible Agricultural knowledge to teach them how to grow cash crops to feed themselves and advance their economy?
Are we willing to tell them that further suppression of their women and the few non-muslim amongst their population will no longer be tolerated?
Do we have the political backbone to do all of these things and more?
As yet I have seen no evidence of that.

My son will be joining them in theatre all too soon.
I resent the fact that he will most probably be risking his life for nothing, just as too many of my friends and neighbors did during the Vietnam era.

Are we willing to do whatever it takes to secure Afghanistan?
Are we willing to ask the Obama Administration and the Democrat Congress the hard questions?
Is there a realistic chance that we can drag Afghanistan out of the Stone Age and create a viable, reasonably free nation?
Are we willing to militarily untie the hands of our soldiers and Marines to get the job done?
Are we willing?

If the answer to any of these questions is No, then we need to secure what towns there are, make Pakistan understand in no uncertain terms that we will tolerate no incursion from their side into Afghanistan, and get the heck out of there.

Now Mr. President!

We want answers!

Post script to the main stream media.
I've seen absolutely no critism from you or questioning on our deepening involvement here.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

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