Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall is finally here, and working while sick

Hooray, Fall is finally here in the Old North State!

Temps in the seventies, around fifty at night.

Soon the leaves will be turning. We are going to Boone in three weeks, they should be at their peak then.

I am meeting with my prospective partner this afternoon. I have been getting intimations that he is going to back out.
We'll find our for sure today.

I have had two companies get back to me that I met with in Vegas, asking me to represent them.
One is a German test equipment mfg, their web site is in German, although they do have a domestic sales office and warehouse here in the States.
That should be fun!

I already had one located here in Raleigh that I will firm up tomorrow, and another that I have previously spoken to before going to the conference.
That one is a low % line, but I will probably take them on anyway.

If I go solo, it will be a lot of windshield time and long hours for awhile.
But it will be ours!
I will eventually add associates, but not a partner if this is my path.
The Queen is my partner, and the Lord my backer!
Wow, but developing day to day faith is not for the faint at heart though!

Ariel has a raging case of the flu, and cannot stay home and sleep until he gets over it.
Their fall FTX (Field Training Exercise) starts tomorrow at Ft Jackson SC, and since he is part of the officers cadre now he can't miss it.

Such is the life of an adult! Y0u're sick and need to stay home, but your employer, be it the Army or a company won't allow it.
So you are miserable, work sick and make certain that everyone around you gets your affliction.

Is it my imagination, or do bosses somehow seem immune?
In my experience the rascals seem to never get sick.

Such is life fellow Pilgrims!

Rock on Lt Harvey, and feel better soon!

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