Monday, October 5, 2009

Am I old or what!

My sister certainly thinks so.
My silly comment on Fbook that I hide all the mirrors brought a rejoinder from her
"No, they broke of their own free will!"
What is a sister good for except being the occasional smart aleck?

When asked where I wanted to go for my bday dinner, I told the Queen "The back deck"
"Home made spaghetti and meatballs, not the stuff in a jar"
A nice bottle of Fetzer's cabernet (a great value and a really nice wine) and it was heaven.
Lit the Chimenea for the first time this fall, listened to the late NFL game through the open window, and it was a really nice time at home with my Queen.

Who is now Madam Vice President as well.
I filed the paperwork for the LLC for our new rep firm with the State this Thursday last.
I heard back today that the name passed the first clearance and appears to be available.
Carolina ITS Solutions, the ITS stands for Information Transport Systems, which people in my niche of Telecommunications will understand. It will identify what we are involved in.

I was a bit concerned when a name popped up that did not in my initial domain and net search,
Carolina IT Solutions, which stands for Information Technologies, kind of an all encompassing description of an entire segment of communications and network hardware.

It doesn't appear to be a problem, not even sure if they are still around, last entry was 2008.

We are in the process of jokingly defining my new VP's specific duties.

"Well, you go to funerals overseas for boring old toots that the president doesn't want to bother with.
You sit next to the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader during joint sessions and pretend you can stand either one of them.
You hide when the president is around, and if you are the current VP you make occasional Bozo the Clown statements in public and embarrass the Pres"

She will add, "well I cleared the table, that's one of my duties. I walked the dog washed the clothes and looked darn good all day long! Fulfilled my obligations and made you look good!"

Right on, Madame VP!

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