Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life is bubbling like vegetable soup.

I started a pot of vegetable soup this morning.
That truly teaches you patience, resisting the temptation of dipping into it before it is done.
The Queen is at the store getting a couple of missing ingredients, and I am signing my first two contracts for the new business.
Eventually I hope to have six to eight companies represented, but these first two are milestones.

Our lives are bubbling away like home made soup!
We're not 'done' until He says we are, and I hope we are both a long way from that point!

I've heard of many famous people who did not hit their stride until later in life.
Grandma Moses and Colonel Harlan Sanders immediately come to mind.
She was, by the standards of her day already 'old' when she started painting.
Col Sanders was in his sixties when he started the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise.
Both Dwight David Eisenhower and George S. Patton were in the Westpoint class "The Stars Fell On" Many of that class became Generals, and found fame in World War II.
No one outside of the Army had heard of General Eisenhower before the war, indeed he was still a Colonel when it began.
Patton had a flamboyance that gained him some fame, but he did not become famous until our entry into the War.

Late bloomers all, and one is never to old to learn, or to start over!

1 comment:

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

Your soup sounds lovely. Congratulations on the business gaining momentum. That's really exciting. I hope all goes well from here on.

I'm sorry to hear about your classmate. And happy to hear that your birthday was good. Happy late birthday! Sometimes the best place to celebrate, is, as you say, in the comfort of your own home with good company.