Monday, May 7, 2007

Hotel rooms

Once again, I sit here in a hotel room staring at the LCD on my laptop.

Vista North of Scottsdale, AZ last fall.
A show about Henry the Eighth drones on in the background on the TV.

This time of year is the worst for 'road' TV, too early to care about baseball, the Stanley Cup and NBA playoffs hold no interest, and football is still
many months away.
I haven't wound down enough to grab my book, so here I sit.This blog thing may just save what's left of my sanity when I am traveling!
Today I drove a fellow from my company around the campus of Virginia Tech here in Blacksburg. It was my first visit since the shooting last month.
Some of you may know that my family is from the area originally.
My mom was raised out in the country nearby, and my dad about 50 miles away in WV.
Everything looked the same, but then it will never again look quite the same to me.
I did notice campus police in evidence on several occasions, where in the past you seldom saw them out walking on campus.

Tomorrow we play golf (in my case very badly) in a tournament hosted by the IT departement at Tech. Then Wednesday we will be doing a presentation on campus for our business contacts.
I'm sure that I will have more to share after that.

All over town and on campus you see "VT will survive" "Hokies are tough!" and other such messages on car windows and in storefronts.

It makes me very proud of the people from the area.

We are from tough pioneer stock, and no evil can bring us down for long!

1 comment:

thrownfree said...

Oh, it's never too early for baseball! And hotel TV: you've got ESPN, ESPN2, maybe even the regional Fox Sports Net or local carrier. And WGN and TBS. You've potentially got three or four games on at once, plus Baseball Tonight. It's a dream come true ...

Great blog, by the way. Love the pictures--especially the one of you as a tyke with your dad.